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Graduate Program

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Graduate Program

Graduate Programs - Five-semester Programs - Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

  1. Major Introduction and Description
    Yonsei University’s Mechanical Engineering major in the Graduate School of Engineering provides students with specialized education that is necessary to develop into professional engineers and leaders in the domestic mechanical industry.
    Mechanical engineering majors take basic courses that help them build an understanding of various technologies found across the field of mechanical engineering, as well as how to apply them accordingly. They also take specialized courses in their given areas of interest, such as engineering, heavy industry, mechanical parts industry, energy, environment, mechatronics, IT, and bio. Such specialized courses teach students practical engineering skills and research capabilities that are required by the industry and most public institutions.
    Outstanding professors from various fields of mechanical engineering lead students in both their academic and research work, providing them with the high-quality, professional expertise and educational opportunities for R&D and the development of new, future technology. Furthermore, through our exchange programs, students are given the opportunity to network with alumni who are actively working in various related fields.

  2. Educational Goals
    Fostering technical professionals who can contribute to the development of the machine industry through specialized knowledge in mechanical engineering and multidisciplinary perspectives
    • Providing expert knowledge for future workers in the mechanical engineering industry to grow into technical professionals
    • Building the capacity to understand and converge knowledge from various specialized fields related to mechanical engineering
    • Strengthening the capacity to develop future new technologies through creative thinking
    • Promoting the development of capacities to grow into leaders within global society in the field of mechanical engineering
  • Graduate School of Engineering, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 03722, Republic of Korea
    TEL : (02) 2123-3282~4 / Email : gradeng@yonsei.ac.kr

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